LinkedIn Leads Challenge for Entrepreneurs









 Attract Better Clients on LinkedIn

Join us for the 4 Day LinkedIn Leads Challenge to learn how to attract better clients on LinkedIn. 

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Increasing your visibility on LinkedIn is the key to attracting high-quality clients and growing your personal brand.

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Day 1: Tuesday, September 26th

The Power of LinkedIn Positioning

Position Your Profile to Attract Who You Want to Attract

Create your LinkedIn goals. Position what you do and how you do it on LinkedIn to attract more people like your top 20% clientele

Day 2: Wednesday, September 27th

The Power of LinkedIn Content

Create a Content Strategy That Aligns with Your Business Goals

Learn exactly what to post on LinkedIn, from authentic videos to carousels and polls. Create posts that will not only get 100K+ organic views every single month but will establish your thought leadership and attract better clients.

Day 3: Thursday, September 28th

The Power of LinkedIn Newsletters

Launch and Grow Your LinkedIn Newsletter 

Learn the best practices of launching and growing your LinkedIn newsletter to drive traffic to your main call-to-action and to grow (or start) your private email list).

Day 4: Thursday, September 29th

The Power of LinkedIn Live Events

Host LinkedIn Live Events with 100's of Registrantseven with a small following.

Learn the best practices of LinkedIn live events to attract inbound clients, from pre-marketing your event to hosting and repurposing your event to build your email list

Frequently Asked Questions

The LinkedIn Leads Challenge begins on Tuesday, September 26th at 9am Eastern Standard Time.

The challenge trainings will be led by Shanee Moret and Shankar Poncelet. Shanee has more than 1M Followers and 265K+ Newsletter Subscribers on LinkedIn and Shankar Poncelet was recently nominated as a Community Top Small Business Voice on LinkedIn.

This challenge is for business owners who want to learn how to increase their visibility on LinkedIn to generate inbound clients.

Attract Better Clients on LinkedIn

50% Complete

Two Step

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