Growth Academy Blog

The Skills You Need to Succeed in 2021

In this video, I chat with Broadus Palmer, who's the founder of LEVELUPINTECH. He teaches people - of a myriad of backgrounds - how to thrive in the cloud engineering space. We chat about some of...
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The Most Powerful Content Strategy for 2021

In this video, I talk about the most powerful content strategy you can create to build a strong brand online in 2021. 
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Top 5 LinkedIn Profile Optimization Tips

In this video, I chat with Berel Solomon and give his LinkedIn profile a live audit. I walk through what he should change (and why) so that more of the right people begin following him, engaging...
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Why Storytelling Helps Grow Your Brand

In this video I talk about how storytelling is an effective strategy if you want to expand your network, get more engagement, drive more sales, and increase overall brand awareness.
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Outbound Sales Tips to Grow Your Business w/ Bob Burg

In this video, I chat with Bob Burg, the author of "The Go-Giver." He explains how the mentality of "pull" vs "push" is more effective in an outbound sales strategy.
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LinkedIn Marketing Tips for Small Business

In this video, we talk with a small business owner and give him tips on how he can grow his business with an effective content strategy on LinkedIn. 
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How to Collaborate Effectively on LinkedIn

In this video, I show you a quick example of how to collaborate effectively on LinkedIn and explain why doing so can help you grow your personal brand faster.   
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